I wonder what comes to your mind and heart when you come across to my title? I have loved this line really and i am pretty sure much of us here have this kind of feeling. It's a beautiful idea to know that this is one of the secrets of many of the writers, writing through the heart. And for many lovers of writing and those who really are addicted to it, i can just say that this really pictures how too many of us here is truly in love of writing.
Of course there are too many different kinds of writers and to some writing is just like eating peanuts when you have the feeling of sitting and writing anything that goes in your mind and what the heart feels surely one can just write it as quick as five minutes without interruptions or difficulty in an instant beautiful thoughts has been written and without our awareness we always can do this that easy for we are being directed by our hearts mostly and it's a good feeling to know that sweet secret.
So for all of us here I always am really that happy to see too much subjects can be read in here that we have too many beautiful options to choose from, those cute unlimited notifications that goes increasing and increasing indeed, the very quick connections and interesting interactions hour per hour happening for everyone of us just shows how we all posses this cute sweet thought of ''I Write To Know What My Heart Thinks'' , Happy Endless Happy Bubbling to All.